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On line journal
I've changed my journal to a live journal care of jasmine jones so to read my new journal click on mindlessself obession and to read old enteries click the picture below. I thank you

Click on the Mindless Self Obeesion Icon to get to my journal

Just some stuff to fill the space....Stuff I love:
My Friends - Nothing comperes to them

Manic Street Preachers - If you need to ask then you don't need to know. They're plain fantastic.

Muse - An amazing sound and the father of my children.

The LimeLight - When in belfast be in the limelight the only and i repeat only decent place in belfast.

Teddy Bears - They are the greatest thing...can you tell i was a lonly child?

Glitter - Because it is the symbol of everything glam

Trash make up by boots - it's just the perfect make up for my look.

Nicky wire - the perfect guy to go with my look lol.

Lady boys - Men in make up (melts)

Suede - Um...running out of things to say...

David Bowie - The daddy of glam

Feather Boas - Kinky and cute at the same time.

Other poeples problems - Make mine seen so trival

Me before Glamara last week - my don't i look cheery
